AtomEliX (Atomistic ElectroniX) is a research group led by Prof. Juan José Palacios dedicated to the theory, modelling, and simulation of the electronic properties of materials and devices starting from an atomistic or first-principles description. This includes electron quantum transport at and out of equilibrium, linear and non-linear optical response, and charge-spin conversion mechanisms (spintronics). We are particularly interested in the study of low-dimensional and quantum materials.
Over the years, first-principles simulations and modelling has become a major scientific discipline on its own in Condensed Matter Physics. By first-principles one understands the use of the fundamental quantum mechanical laws of nature to describe the behaviour of electrons and atoms in solids or molecules without any preconceptions. The properties of these should emerge from the numerical solution of these laws. The models here are in fact a faithful representation of reality, but in a controlled environment.
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Departamento de Física de la Materia Condensada, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Campus de Cantoblanco, Madrid 28049, SPAIN.