TIMELIGHT is an ERC-funded research project focused on studying time-varying nanophotonics for new regimes of light-matter Interactions. Controlling light and its interaction with matter at the nanoscale is one of the major aims of current Science, with applications ranging from energy-efficient photonic-based communications, quantum information processing, or high precision sensors. Owing to the hybrid light-matter modes supported by nanophotonic structures, from THz and IR polaritons in 2D materials to optical plasmonic resonances, nanophotonics offers an ideal platform for an exquisite control of light-matter interactions even at room temperature. Additionally, light concentrated at the nanoscale is a natural playground for quantum electro-dynamical (QED) processes, whereby light-matter interactions reveal their quantum nature.

TIMELIGHT proposes the use of time-modulated media, whose optical parameters (e.g., permittivity) are dynamically modulated by an external actuation, to realise fundamentally new non-Hermitian and non-reciprocal QED effects.This approach can overcome the limitations of conventional approaches to nanophotonics-based QED that arise from two fundamental principles: energy conservation and reciprocity. This would enable non-photon conserving devices and one-way channels, opening the door to a compact route to quantum photonic circuits.

However, conventional approaches to nanophotonics-based QED are limited by two fundamental principles: energy conservation and reciprocity. Overcoming these limitations would enable non-photon conserving devices and one-way channels, opening the door to a compact route to quantum photonic circuits. TIMELIGHT proposes the use of time-modulated media, whose optical parameters (e.g., permittivity) are dynamically modulated by an external actuation, to realise fundamentally new non-Hermitian and non-reciprocal QED effects. This theoretical project roots in recent experimental advances that have shown unprecedentedly large and fast modulations of nanophotonic structures