62. Plasmonic Brownian Ratchets for Directed Transport of Analytes
Marciano Palma do Carmo, David Mack, Diane J. Roth, Miao Zhao, Ancin M. Devis, Francisco J. Rodríguez-Fortuño, Stefan A. Maier, Paloma A. Huidobro, Aliaksandra Rakovich
61. Photon Squeezing in Photonic Time Crystals
Jaime Echave-Sustaeta, Francisco J. García-Vidal, P. A. Huidobro
60. Long-range interactions in Weyl dense atomic arrays protected from dissipation and disorder
Iñaki García-Elcano, Paloma A. Huidobro, Jorge Bravo-Abad, Alejandro González-Tudela
Journal publications
59. Time-Modulated Metamaterials
Galiffi, E., Alù A., Pendry, J. B., and Huidobro, P. A.
In Roadmap on electromagnetic metamaterials and metasurfaces by T.J. Cui, et al.
JPhys Photonics 6 032502 (2024)
58. Particle-hole instabilities in photonic time-varying systems (PDF)
João C. Serra, Emanuele Galiffi, Paloma A. Huidobro, John B. Pendry, Mário G. Silveirinha
Optical Materials Express Vol. 14, Issue 6, pp. 1459-1471 (2024)
57. First principles study of topological invariants of Weyl points in continuous media (PDF)
Guilherme R. Fonseca, Filipa R. Prudencio, Mario G. Silveirinha, and Paloma A. Huidobro
Phys. Rev. Research 6, 013017 (2024) Highlighted as Editor’s suggestion.
56. New horizons in near-zero refractive index photonics and hyperbolic metamaterials (PDF)
Michaël Lobet, Nathaniel Kinsey, Iñigo Liberal, Humeyra Caglayan, Paloma Arroyo-Huidobro, Emanuele Galiffi, Jorge Ricardo Mejía-Salazar, Giovanna Palermo, Zubin Jacob, Nicolò Maccaferri
ACS Photonics, 10, 11, 3805–3820 (2023)
55. Bound states in the continuum in subwavelength emitter arrays (PDF)
María Blanco de Paz and Paloma A. Huidobro
Physical Review Research 5, 033108 (2023)
54. Feature issue introduction: temporal and spatiotemporal metamaterials ( PDF)
Paloma A. Huidobro, M. Zahirul Alam, Nader Engheta, and Victor Pacheco-Peña,
Opt. Express 31(11), 18072-18074 (2023)
53. Saturable time varying mirror based on an ENZ material
Romain Tirole, Emanuele Galiffi, Jakub Dranczewski, Taran Attavar, Benjamin Tilmann, Yao-Ting Wang, Paloma A. Huidobro, Andrea Alú, John B. Pendry, Stefan A. Maier, Stefano Vezzoli, Riccardo Sapienza
Physical Review Applied, 18(5), 054067 (2022)
52. Manipulating generalized Dirac cones in quantum metasurfaces
María Blanco de Paz, Alejandro González-Tudela and Paloma Arroyo Huidobro
Physical Review A, 106, 033505 (2022)
51. Photon conservation in trans-luminal metamaterials
J.B. Pendry, Emanuele Galiffi, and Paloma A. Huidobro
Optica 9, 7 724-730 (2022)
50. Energy density as a probe of band representations in photonic crystals
M. Blanco de Paz, M. A. J. Herrera, P. Arroyo Huidobro, H. Alaeian, M. G. Vergniory, B. Bradlyn, G. Giedke, A. García-Etxarri and D. Bercioux
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 34 314002 (2022)
49. An Archimede’s screw for light
Emanuele Galiffi, Paloma A. Huidobro, and J.B. Pendry
Nature Communications 13, 2523 (2022)
48. Advances and Prospects in Topological Nanoparticle Photonics
Marie S. Rider, Álvaro Buendía, Diego R. Abujetas, Paloma A. Huidobro, José A. Sánchez-Gil, and Vincenzo Giannini
ACS Photonics 9, 5, 1483–1499 (2022)
47. Photonics of time varying media
Emanuele Galiffi, Romain Tirole, Shixiong Yin, Huanan Lia, Stefano Vezzoli,Paloma A. Huidobro, Mario G. Silveirinha, Riccardo Sapienza, Andrea Alu, and J.B. Pendry
Advanced Photonics, 4(1), 014002 (2022)
46. Space-time metamaterials
Emanuele Galiffi, J.B. Pendry, and Paloma A. Huidobro
In Roadmap on multimode light shaping by Marco Piccardo, Vincent Ginis, et al.
Journal of Optics, 24 013001 (2022)
45. Crossing the light line
J.B. Pendry, Paloma A. Huidobro, Mario Silveirinha, and Emanuele Galiffi
Nanophotonics, vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 161-167 (2022)
44. Quantum electrodynamics in anisotropic and tilted Dirac photonic lattices
J. Redondo-Yuste, M. Blanco de Paz, P. A. Huidobro, A. González-Tudela
New Journal of Physics, 23, 103018 (2021)
43. Gain in time-dependent media—a new mechanism
J.B. Pendry, Emanuele Galiffi and Paloma A. Huidobro
Highlighted as Spotlight on Optics.
In Light-Matter interactions in Complex Photonic Systems Feature issue
J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 38, 3360-3366 (2021)
42. Homogenisation theory of space-time metamaterials
Paloma A. Huidobro, Mario G. Silveirinha, Emanuele Galiffi and J.B. Pendry
Physical Review Applied 16, 014044 (2021)
Highlighted as Editor’s suggestion
41. Photon localisation and Bloch symmetry breaking in luminal gratings
Emanuele Galiffi, Mario G. Silveirinha, Paloma A. Huidobro, and J.B. Pendry
Physical Review B 104, 014302 (2021)
40. Gain mechanism in time dependent media
J.B. Pendry, Emanuele Galiffi and Paloma A. Huidobro
Optica, 8, 5, 636-637 (2021)
39. Higher order topology in plasmonic Kagome lattices
Matthew Proctor, Maria Blanco de Paz, Dario Bercioux, Aitzol Garcia-Etxarri, Paloma A Huidobro
Applied Physics Letters, 118, 091105 (2021)
Part of the Metastructures: From Physics to Applications Special issue.
38. On the robustness of topological corner modes in photonic crystals (PDF)
Matthew Proctor, Paloma A Huidobro, Barry Bradlyn, Maria Blanco de Paz, Maia G. Vergniory, Dario Bercioux, Aitzol Garcia-Etxarri
Physical Review Research, 2, 042038(R) (2020)
37. Near- and Far-Field Excitation of Topological Plasmonic Metasurfaces
Matthew Proctor, Xiaofei Xiao, Richard V. Craster, Stefan A. Maier, Vincenzo Giannini, Paloma Arroyo Huidobro
Photonics 7(4), 81 (2020)
36. Temporal Wood Anomalies: Smoothing the Path to the Near-Field
Emanuele Galiffi, Yao-Ting Wang, Zhen Lim, J. B. Pendry, Andrea Alù, Paloma A. Huidobro
Physical Review letters 125, 127403 (2020)
35. Transformation Optics for Plasmonics: from Metasurfaces to Excitonic Strong Coupling
P.A. Huidobro and A.I. Fernández-Domínguez
Comptes Rendus Physique (French Academy of Sciences)
Invited article for Metamaterials collection (2020)
34. Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy of Singular Plasmonic Metasurfaces (PDF)
Fan Yang, Paloma A. Huidobro and J.B. Pendry
Laser and Photonics Reviews, 2000055 (2020)
33. Nonlocal effects in plasmonic metasurfaces with almost touching surfaces
Fan Yang, Emanuele Galiffi, Paloma A. Huidobro and J.B. Pendry
Physical Review B, 101, 075434 (2020)
32. Manipulating Topological Valley Modes in Plasmonic Metasurfaces
Matthew Proctor, Paloma A. Huidobro, Stefan A. Maier, Richard V. Craster, Mehul P. Makwana
Nanophotonics, 9 (3), 657–665 (2020)
31. Probing Graphene’s Nonlocality with Singular Metasurfaces
E. Galiffi, P.A. Huidobro, P.A.D. Goncalves, N.A. Mortensen, and J.B. Pendry
Nanophotonics 9(2): 309–316 (2020)
30. Fresnel drag in space-time modulated metamaterials (PDF)
P.A. Huidobro, E. Galiffi, S. Guenneau, R.V. Craster, and J.B. Pendry
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 116 (50) 24943-24948 (2019)
29. Broadband Nonreciprocal Amplification in Luminal Metamaterials
Emanuele Galiffi, Paloma A. Huidobro and J. B. Pendry
Physical Review Letters, 123, 206101 (2019)
28. Exciting Pseudospin Dependent Edge States in Plasmonic Metasurfaces
M. Proctor, R.V. Craster, S.A. Maier, V. Giannini, and P.A. Huidobro
ACS Photonics 6 (11), 2985-2995 (2019)
27. Resonant far-to-near field channeling in synergetic multiscale antennas
L.A. Guerra-Hernández, P.A. Huidobro, E. Cortés, S.A. Maier, and A. Fainstein
ACS Photonics, 6(6), 1466-1473 (2019)
26. Bulk-edge correspondence and long range hopping in the topological plasmonic chain (PDF)
S.R. Pocock, P.A. Huidobro and V. Giannini
Nanophotonics, 8(8) 1337 (2019)
F. Yang, Y.T. Wang, P.A. Huidobro and J.B. Pendry
Highlighted as Editor’s Suggestion.
Physical Review B 99, 165423 (2019)
24. A perspective on topological nanophotonics: current status and future challenges (PDF)
M.S. Rider, S.J. Palmer, S.R. Pocock, X. Xiao, P.A. Huidobro and V. Giannini
J. Appl. Phys. 125, 120901 (2019)
E. Galiffi, J. B. Pendry and P.A. Huidobro
EPJ Applied Metamaterials, 6, 10 (2019)
22. Computing one-dimensional metasurfaces
J.B. Pendry, P.A. Huidobro, K. Ding
Physical Review B, 99, 085408 (2019)
21. Transformation optics approach to singular metasurfaces
F. Yang, P.A. Huidobro, J.B. Pendry
Highlighted as Editor’s Suggestion.
Physical Review B 98, 125409 (2018)
20. The topological plasmonic chain with retardation and radiative effects
S. Pocock, P.A. Huidobro, V. Giannini
ACS Photonics 5 (6), 2271-2279 (2018)
E. Galiffi, J. B. Pendry and P.A. Huidobro
ACS Nano 12 (2), 1006-1013 (2018)
J.B. Pendry, P.A. Huidobro, Y. Luo and E. Galiffi
Science 358(6365), 915-917 (2017)
Z. Ma, S.M. Hanham, P.A. Huidobro, Y. Gong, M. Hong, N. Klein, and S.A. Maier
APL Photonics 2, 116102 (2017)
G. Siroki, P.A. Huidobro and V. Giannini
Physical Review B (Rapid Communications) 96 (4), 041408 (2017)
P.A. Huidobro, Y.H. Chang, M. Kraft and J.B. Pendry
Physical Review B 95 (15), 155401 (2017)
P.A. Huidobro, S. A. Maier and J.B. Pendry
EPJ Applied Metamaterials 4 (6) (2017)
E. Cortés, P.A. Huidobro, S. Guldbrand, W. J. Peveler, H. G. Sinclair, T. Davies, S. Parrinello, C. Dunsby, M.A.A. Neil, Y. Sivan, I.P. Parkin, P.M. French and S.A. Maier
ACS Nano 10 (11), 10454-10461(2016)
12. Graphene as a Tunable Anisotropic or Isotropic Plasmonic Metasurface (PDF)
P.A. Huidobro, M. Kraft, S.A. Maier and J.B. Pendry
ACS Nano 10 (5), 5499-5506 (2016)
P.A. Huidobro, M. Kraft, R. Kun, S.A. Maier and J.B. Pendry
Journal of Optics 18, 044024 (2016)
P.A. Huidobro, X. Shen, J. Cuerda, E. Moreno, L. Martín-Moreno, F.J. García-Vidal, T.J. Cui and J.B. Pendry.
Physical Review X, 4, 021003 (2014)
A. González-Tudela , P.A. Huidobro , L. Martín-Moreno, C. Tejedor and F.J. García-Vidal.
Highlighted as Editor’s Suggestion
Physical Review B (Rapid Communications) 89, 041402(R) (2014)
8. Plasmonic Brownian Ratchet
P.A. Huidobro, S. Ota, X. Yang, X. Yin, F.J. García-Vidal and X. Zhang
Highlighted as Editor’s Suggestion
Physical Review B (Rapid Communications) 88(20) 201401(R) (2013)
A. González-Tudela, P.A. Huidobro, L. Martín-Moreno, C. Tejedor and F.J. García-Vidal
Physical Review Letters, 110(12), 126801 (2013)
M. Kadic, S. Guenneau, S. Enoch, P.A. Huidobro, L. Martín-Moreno, F.J. García-Vidal, J. Renger and R. Quidant
Nanophotonics, 1(1), 51-64 (2012)
P.A. Huidobro, A.Y. Nikitin, C. González-Ballestero, L. Martín-Moreno, and F.J. García-Vidal
Physical Review B, 85(15), 155438 (2012)
F. Ruting, P.A. Huidobro, and F.J. García-Vidal
Optics letters, 36(22), 4341-3 (2011)
P.A. Huidobro, M.L. Nesterov, L. Martín-Moreno, and F.J. García-Vidal
New Journal of Physics, 13(3), 033011 (2011)
P. A. Huidobro, M. L. Nesterov, L. Martín-Moreno, and F.J. García-Vidal
Nano Letters, 10(6), 1985-90 (2010)
1. Confining and slowing airborne sound with a corrugated metawire
J. Christensen, P.A. Huidobro, L. Martín-Moreno, and F.J. García-Vidal
Applied Physics Letters, 93(8), 083502 (2008)
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“Spoof surface plasmon metamaterials” Paloma A. Huidobro, Antonio I. Fernández-Domínguez, Luis Martín-Moreno, John Pendry and F.J. García-Vidal. Part of Elements in Emerging Theories and Technologies in Metamaterials Series Cambridge University Press (2018). |
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“Quantum Plasmonics” Diego Martín-Cano, Paloma A. Huidobro, Esteban Moreno, and F.J. García-Vidal. In A. Maradudin & J. R. Sambles & W. L. Barnes (Eds.), Modern Plasmonics (pp. 349–379), Elsevier (2014). |