About me

I am an associate professor at the Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics Department & IFIMAC at the Autonomous University of Madrid. I specialize in computational simulations of nanostructures, ranging from  electron transport through single-molecule junctions and biosystems to metallic interfaces.

Brief CV

2003: MSc in Physics, University of Bari, Italy
2004: Studentship at Centro Laser Research Centre, Bari, Italy
2008: PhD in Chemistry, University of Liverpool, United Kingdom
2008-2014: Postdoctoral positions, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Spain
2015: Postdoctoral position, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland
2015-2019: Principal Investigator (PI) of a project funded within the MINECO i+D+i program (MAT2014-58982-JIN) at UAM
2020: Tenure-Track Researcher within the VI-PPIT program at University of Seville (ref. VIPPIT-2018-II.5)
2021: Assistant Professor at UAM
2025: Associate Professor (PPL) at UAM