- Special session “Molecular conductors: spin filtering and thermoelectric propertiesMolecular”
(July 2025) Part of the IEEE Nano 2025 conference [URL]
Organizers: L. A. Zotti and C. Sabater
- Outreach activity “¿De qué está hecha la materia que nos rodea?”
(October 2024 2024) Part of the IFIMAC outreach event “Explorando la Física de la Materia
Condensada desde el CEIP Principe de Asturias:
Talleres de ciencia con el IFIMAC” [URL]
- Symposium “Molecular biophysics”
(July 2024) Part of the The XXXIX RSEF Physics Biennial [URL]
Organizers: L. A. Zotti and S. Assenza [URL]
- Symposium “Experimental and Computational Advances in Biomolecular Electronics”
(Nov-Dec 2023) Part of the 2023 MRS Fall Meeting
Organizers: A. Anantram, J. Artes Vivancos, J. Hihath and L.A. Zotti [URL]
- Outreach talk for “11 de Febrero” (international day of women in science)
(Colegio Altair Internacional)
- Colloquium “Charge transport in molecules and biosystems at different scales: going beyond traditional electronics”,
(Sept 2023) part of the CMD30-FisMat2023 conference
Organizers: L.A.Zotti, E.Leary and E. Alfinito
- Outreach talk for “11 de Febrero” (international day of women in science)
(Colegio Altair Internacional)
- Colloquium “Quantum thermoelectrics and heat currents at the nanoscale”,
part of the CMD2020GEFES conference.
Organizers: R. Sanchez, L.A. Zotti, E. Leary, J. Splettstoesser
- Outreach talk for “Pint of Science 2019”(Tech me out session)
Moe Club (Madrid, Spain)
- “Físicos en Materia” (outreach event organized for high-school students by 13 IFIMAC women).
- Psi-k-CECAM conference Biomolectro (biomolecular electronics), Madrid (Spain).
Organizers: L.A Zotti, J.C. Cuevas, R. Pérez
- Max Planck Institute workshop “Many paths to interference: a journey between quantum dots and single-molecule junctions” , Dresden (Germany).
Organizers: A. Donarini, L.A. Zotti
AMIT-El País, 360grados, Cienciaplus, Lavanguardia